Wednesday, April 28, 2010

WWDC dates announced

The entire of Twitter has imploded after noticing that Apple has announced the dates for WWDC, this year June 7-11. That's too short notice for me to go, and having only recently started working again after a few months concentrating solely on Professional Cocoa Application Security, I can't scrape together the few thousand pounds needed to reserve flights, hotel and ticket at a month's notice.

I hope that those of you who are going have a great time. The conference looks decidedly thin on Mac content this year, and while I still class myself as more of a Mac developer than an iP* developer that shouldn't be too much of a problem. The main value in WWDC is in the social/networking side first, the labs second, and the lecture content third - so as long as you can find an engineer in the labs who remembers how a Mac works, you'll probably still have a great week and learn a lot.


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