Friday, September 18, 2009

Next Swindon CocoaHeads meeting

At one time a quiet market town with no greater claim than to break up the journey between Oxford and Bristol, Swindon is now a bustling hub of Mac and iPhone development activity. The coming meeting of CocoaHeads, at the Glue Pot pub near the train station on Monday October 5th, is a focus of the thriving industry.

I really believe that this coming meeting will be a great one for those of you who've never been to a CocoaHeads meeting before. We will be having a roundtable discussion on indie software development and running your own micro-ISV. Whether you are a seasoned indie or just contemplating making the jump and what to find out what's what, come along to the meeting. Share your anecdotes or questions with a group of like-minded developers and discover how one person can design, develop and market their applications.

You don't need to register beforehand and there's no door charge, just turn up and talk Cocoa. If you do want to discuss anything with other Swindon CocoaHeads, please subscribe to the mailing list.

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