Tuesday, November 04, 2008

More on MacDev

Today is the day I start preparing my talk for MacDev 2009. Over the coming weeks I'll likely write some full posts on the things I decide not to cover in the talk (it's only an hour, after all), and perhaps some teasers on things I will be covering (though the latter are more likely to be tweeted).

I'm already getting excited about the conference, not only because it'll be great to talk to so many fellow Mac developers but due to the wealth of other sessions which are going to be given. All of them look really interesting though I'm particularly looking forward to Bill Dudney's Core Animation talk and Drew McCormack's session on performance techniques. I'm also going to see if I can get the time to come early to the user interface pre-conference workshop run by Mike Lee; talking to everyone else at that workshop and learning from Mike should both be great ways to catch up on the latest thoughts on UI design.

By the way, if you're planning on going to the conference (and you may have guessed that I recommend doing so), register early because the tickets are currently a ton cheaper. Can't argue with that :-).

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