This is sort of a message from the past. I wrote it yesterday, but had people I needed to talk to before I could hit the big old publish button. (Including this bit, so I really wrote it "today", but the earliest you can read it means that "today" will be "yesterday". This is one of those uses of the past-perfect-nevertense that blows up lesser recording equipment.)
Today (the real today that this thing was posted), I handed in my notice at Sophos. Six weeks from now, I will be officially an unemployed starving artist. I'm working on lining up a project to take up most of my time for the first few months of the new era, which really looks like it will work out, and of course need to solve the "marketing presence" problem. Although the fact that you're reading this probably means you already know who I am, and something about what I do. If you want a Cocoa or UNIX developer for a contract - especially one with experience in the worlds of security and scientific computing - then please see my LinkedIn profile to find out a bit more of what I've been up to, and drop me a line - here, at @iamleeg or to iamleeg at gmail dot com. I know there are a load of interesting people out there working on a load of interesting projects, one of the great things about WWDC every year is meeting you all and sharing in the excitement. Well hopefully I'll get to work with you on some of that cool software, too!
So, like many people who go self-employed, I've got little idea of what will happen next :-). I've got some ideas for apps which I'll be working on in the (probably too copious) spare time I'll have. But I'm going to focus on contracting and consulting in the short term. This is going to be an exciting time, if somewhat daunting...but you'll be able to check on my daunt levels right here, dear readers.
I promised at the turn of the year that there would be lots of blog posts on various tech things during the first half of the year. Unsurprisingly that didn't quite pan out, and I'm hoping to rectify that over the next couple of months now that I have fewer (perceived) content restrictions on the blog. And this first project I have lined up should certainly be producing some good'uns, assuming it all works out. I'll be the first to admit that if it doesn't, I'm heading for trouble very shortly. Which is why I know that it, or something very like it, will work out :-).
To fellow Sophists who are hearing about this for the first time here, I'm very sorry. I tried to let people know today but there are hundreds of you, one of me and lots of loose ends to tie by mid-August. But don't worry, there will be beer.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Reverse-engineering stringed instruments
Despite being able to play some instruments, I probably couldn't do a good job of making any of them. I don't have the patience required to boil a horse for long enough to stick a fiddle together, for instance. Luthiers would probably get incredibly bored by the following post but for fellow apart-takers, it'll hopefully be quite interesting.
I once made a stringed synthesiser, when I was at college. The basic principle is that of an electric guitar running in reverse. A metal string is stretched between two bridges, and sits inside a horseshoe magnet. Now rather than plucking the string and letting the magnetic pickup detect the vibrations, we pass an alternating current through the string and use the magnetic field to cause the string to vibrate. Mount the whole shooting match on a soundbox roughly the shape of an appalachian dulcimer, so it makes a decent amount of noise. And there you go!
Well, there bits of you go, anyway. While you can drive the string at any frequency you like, it'll be really quiet on any note which isn't a natural harmonic - it's being forced at one frequency, and trying to vibrate at a bunch of other frequencies, so can't really resonate. Assuming that the materials of the string aren't up for grabs, it's the length and tension which choose the fundamental frequency. What you currently have is capable of playing bugle tunes. Put a few different bugles together and you can play chromatic scales, so putting a few different strings together increases the likelihood that our synthesiser has the ability to play some notes in the tune we want.
In fact, it's still going to have a fairly nasty volume characteristic, because most of the noise doesn't come from the string, it comes from the soundbox. In that regard, violins and pipe organs have quite a lot in common. But they differ in that pipe organs have one soundbox per note - the pipe itself - and violins have a single box. So it'd better be possible to get it to resonate at a whole bunch of interesting frequencies, which is one of the reasons for making them (and acoustic guitars) the shapes that they are. Now what the real acoustic characteristics of a fiddle body are, I'm not entirely sure. But what I do know is that a violin is surprisingly small - the "concert pitch" A pipe in an organ is a little under 40cm and the lowest note a violin usually has (a ninth lower) will therefore be almost a metre long. Even though an enclosed box like a violin needs to be half the length of an organ pipe playing the same note, it will still naturally accentuate the higher frequencies that the strings have on offer because it isn't big enough to do much else. And it's that which gives the instruments their sound. My synth's soundbox was cuboid-ish, so had two characteristic "loud" notes and their harmonics. The z-axis wouldn't have resonated much as the box was on a table which absorbed the momentum.
The remaining interesting point is that the violin is forced to extract the sound from a rubbish part of the string. The bridge is both responsible for translating the motion of the string into the wood and for stopping the string from moving. The string moves most somewhere out toward the middle (it's mainly vibrating at its natural wavelength, which is twice the length of the string) and not at all near the ends. That's why pickups on electric guitars sound "warmer" further away form the bridge. There they pick up more of the lower harmonics, but the nearest pickup (and the bridge) get proportionally more of the higher harmonics.
I once made a stringed synthesiser, when I was at college. The basic principle is that of an electric guitar running in reverse. A metal string is stretched between two bridges, and sits inside a horseshoe magnet. Now rather than plucking the string and letting the magnetic pickup detect the vibrations, we pass an alternating current through the string and use the magnetic field to cause the string to vibrate. Mount the whole shooting match on a soundbox roughly the shape of an appalachian dulcimer, so it makes a decent amount of noise. And there you go!
Well, there bits of you go, anyway. While you can drive the string at any frequency you like, it'll be really quiet on any note which isn't a natural harmonic - it's being forced at one frequency, and trying to vibrate at a bunch of other frequencies, so can't really resonate. Assuming that the materials of the string aren't up for grabs, it's the length and tension which choose the fundamental frequency. What you currently have is capable of playing bugle tunes. Put a few different bugles together and you can play chromatic scales, so putting a few different strings together increases the likelihood that our synthesiser has the ability to play some notes in the tune we want.
In fact, it's still going to have a fairly nasty volume characteristic, because most of the noise doesn't come from the string, it comes from the soundbox. In that regard, violins and pipe organs have quite a lot in common. But they differ in that pipe organs have one soundbox per note - the pipe itself - and violins have a single box. So it'd better be possible to get it to resonate at a whole bunch of interesting frequencies, which is one of the reasons for making them (and acoustic guitars) the shapes that they are. Now what the real acoustic characteristics of a fiddle body are, I'm not entirely sure. But what I do know is that a violin is surprisingly small - the "concert pitch" A pipe in an organ is a little under 40cm and the lowest note a violin usually has (a ninth lower) will therefore be almost a metre long. Even though an enclosed box like a violin needs to be half the length of an organ pipe playing the same note, it will still naturally accentuate the higher frequencies that the strings have on offer because it isn't big enough to do much else. And it's that which gives the instruments their sound. My synth's soundbox was cuboid-ish, so had two characteristic "loud" notes and their harmonics. The z-axis wouldn't have resonated much as the box was on a table which absorbed the momentum.
The remaining interesting point is that the violin is forced to extract the sound from a rubbish part of the string. The bridge is both responsible for translating the motion of the string into the wood and for stopping the string from moving. The string moves most somewhere out toward the middle (it's mainly vibrating at its natural wavelength, which is twice the length of the string) and not at all near the ends. That's why pickups on electric guitars sound "warmer" further away form the bridge. There they pick up more of the lower harmonics, but the nearest pickup (and the bridge) get proportionally more of the higher harmonics.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Beer improves perception of security least, it provides for a nice analogy to use when discussing basic security concepts. I don't think people necessarily choose better passwords after a skinful, nor do they usually make improved choices of what information to share on social networking sites when returning from the pub. That's probably why Mail Goggles exists.
So, the attendee beer bash at WWDC. There is beer. There is also the regulatory framework of the state of California, which mandates that minors under 21 years of age may not be supplied with beer. There are also student scholarship places to the WWDC, and no theoretical minimum attendee age. There are also loads of people in the vague area of Yerba Buena Gardens who are not attending the WWDC. But only attendees may visit the bash, and only attendees over 21 may drink beer.
I went to the registration desk at Moscone West on the day before Phil Schiller's keynote, and identified myself as Graham Lee. "Hi, my name's Graham Lee" I said to the lady behind the desk. It turns out that's not sufficient. While I did indeed give the name of someone who was indeed registered to attend the conference, there's no reason for the lady to believe the identification I gave her. She wants to be able to authenticate my claim, and chooses to rely on a trusted third party to do so. That third party is the British government (insert your own jokes here), and she is happy to accept my passport as confirmation of my identity.
Now I am given my attendee badge, a token which demonstrates that I have authenticated as Graham Lee, an attendee at WWDC. When I move around the conference centre to get to the sessions and the labs, the security staff merely need to look for the presence of this token. They don't need to go through the business of checking my passport again, because the fact that I have my token satisfies them that I have previously had my identity authenticated to the required level.
The access token would be sufficient to get me in to the attendee beer bash, as it proves that I have authenticated as an attendee. But it does not demonstrate that I am authorised to drink beer. So on the day of the bash I go back to the registration desk and show a different lady my passport again, which indicates that I am over 21 and can therefore be given the authority to drink beer at the bash. I am given the subtle green wristband pictures, which again acts as a token; this time not an identification token but an authorisation token. The bar staff do not care which of the 5200 attendees I am. In fact they do not care about my identity at all, because they know that the security staff have already verified my attendee status at the entrance to the event - therefore they don't need to see my attendee pass. They only care about whether I'm in the group of people permitted to drink beer, and the wristband shows that I am in that group. It shows that I have demonstrated the credentials needed to gain that particular authority.
So, there we have it. A quick beer of an evening with a few thousand colleagues can indeed turn into a fun discussion of the distinction between authentication and authorisation, and how these two tasks can be carried out independently.
So, the attendee beer bash at WWDC. There is beer. There is also the regulatory framework of the state of California, which mandates that minors under 21 years of age may not be supplied with beer. There are also student scholarship places to the WWDC, and no theoretical minimum attendee age. There are also loads of people in the vague area of Yerba Buena Gardens who are not attending the WWDC. But only attendees may visit the bash, and only attendees over 21 may drink beer.

So, there we have it. A quick beer of an evening with a few thousand colleagues can indeed turn into a fun discussion of the distinction between authentication and authorisation, and how these two tasks can be carried out independently.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
WWDC wind-down
As everyone is getting on their respective planes and flying back to their respective homelands, it's time to look back on what happened and what the conference means.
The event itself was great fun, as ever. Meeting loads of new people (a big thank-you to the #paddyinvasion for my dishonourary membership) as well as plenty of old friends is always enjoyable - especially when everyone's so excited about what they're working on, what they've discovered and what they're up to the next day. It's an infectious enthusiasm.
Interestingly the sessions and labs content has more of a dual impact. On the one hand it's great to see how new things work, how I could use them, and to realise that I get what they do. The best feeling is taking some new information and being able to make use of it or see how it can be used. That's another reason why talking to everyone else is great - they all have their own perspectives on what they've seen and we can share those views, learning things from each other that we didn't get from the sessions. If you were wondering what the animated discussions and gesticulations were in the 4th Street Starbucks at 7am every morning, now you know.
On the other hand, it makes me realise that OS X is such a huge platform that there are parts I understand very well, and parts that I don't really know at all. My own code spreads a wide path over a timeline between January 1, 1970 and September 2009 (not a typo). For instance, it wasn't until about 2003 that I knew enough NetInfo to be able to write a program to use it (you may wonder why I didn't just use DirectoryServices - well even in 2003 the program was for NeXTSTEP 3 which didn't supply that API). I still have a level of knowledge of Mach APIs far below "grok", and have never known even the smallest thing about HIToolbox.
There are various options for dealing with that. The most time-intensive is to take time to study - I've got a huge collection of papers on the Mach design and implementation, and occasionally find time to pop one off the stack. The least is to ignore the problem - as I have done with HIToolbox, because it offers nothing I can't do with Cocoa. In-between are other strategies such as vicariously channeling the knowledge of Amit Singh or Mark Dalrymple and Aaron Hillegass. I expect that fully understanding Mac OS X is beyond the mental scope of any individual - but it's certainly fun to try :-).
The event itself was great fun, as ever. Meeting loads of new people (a big thank-you to the #paddyinvasion for my dishonourary membership) as well as plenty of old friends is always enjoyable - especially when everyone's so excited about what they're working on, what they've discovered and what they're up to the next day. It's an infectious enthusiasm.
Interestingly the sessions and labs content has more of a dual impact. On the one hand it's great to see how new things work, how I could use them, and to realise that I get what they do. The best feeling is taking some new information and being able to make use of it or see how it can be used. That's another reason why talking to everyone else is great - they all have their own perspectives on what they've seen and we can share those views, learning things from each other that we didn't get from the sessions. If you were wondering what the animated discussions and gesticulations were in the 4th Street Starbucks at 7am every morning, now you know.
On the other hand, it makes me realise that OS X is such a huge platform that there are parts I understand very well, and parts that I don't really know at all. My own code spreads a wide path over a timeline between January 1, 1970 and September 2009 (not a typo). For instance, it wasn't until about 2003 that I knew enough NetInfo to be able to write a program to use it (you may wonder why I didn't just use DirectoryServices - well even in 2003 the program was for NeXTSTEP 3 which didn't supply that API). I still have a level of knowledge of Mach APIs far below "grok", and have never known even the smallest thing about HIToolbox.
There are various options for dealing with that. The most time-intensive is to take time to study - I've got a huge collection of papers on the Mach design and implementation, and occasionally find time to pop one off the stack. The least is to ignore the problem - as I have done with HIToolbox, because it offers nothing I can't do with Cocoa. In-between are other strategies such as vicariously channeling the knowledge of Amit Singh or Mark Dalrymple and Aaron Hillegass. I expect that fully understanding Mac OS X is beyond the mental scope of any individual - but it's certainly fun to try :-).
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Unit testing Cocoa projects in Xcode

Sometimes, a test is just so badly broken that rather than just failing, it crashes the test runner. This is a bit unfortunate, because it can be very hard to work out what test broke the harness. That's especially true if the issue is some surprising concurrency bug and one test breaks a different test, or if the test manages to destroy the assumptions made in -teardown and crashes the harness after it's run. Now Chris Hanson has posted a workaround to get the debugger working with a unit test bundle target, but wouldn't it be nice if that "just worked", in the same way that breaking into the debugger from Build and Run "just works" in an app target?
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Follow-up-and-slightly-over on safety/security
The one thing which makes this a less-than-standard follow-up is that the original was not posted here, but over on paranym Graham Cluley's blog. I originally wrote about the (fictitious) difference between safety and security. For those who didn't clickety the linkelode, I wrote that Jon Gruber's distinction between safety and security was just a neat lexical game to sidestep popular Mac-press opinion. I also wrote that I wanted to cover the original article, Snow Leopard security is all relative. Well, now I shall.
So Dennis Fisher argues that "very few users will switch to a Mac or from a Mac because of security"…"But if Snow Leopard turns out to be a major security upgrade over the current versions, that's an important step for Apple and its customers." I'm not sure I agree there. As far as I can see, the fundamental place where Fisher and I start to disagree is on what value security marketing has.
I infer from the article that Fisher takes security marketing to be a zero-sum game between the competitors: every time Apple wins, Microsoft necessarily loses: Microsoft have "out-secured" Apple and it's up to Apple to "out-secure" them back. I believe that many consumers consider security as a "hygiene factor"; invisible most of the time, but unacceptable when it becomes an issue. That would make it hard to market a secure OS, but impossible to sell an insecure one. An important distinction, let me explain. People will not consider security as a factor in any product which seems secure enough, but will not touch any product which does not seem secure enough. Therefore a loss for any one company pulls its rep down with respect to the competitors, but there isn't really any such thing as a security marketing "win".
Where does that leave Apple? Well, a "major security upgrade" could go in one of two directions. Either it means moving from 0 concern over Mac security to a smaller value of 0 concern; or it could lead people to think that there were some security holes in Leopard that Apple decided not to tell us about and patched up in Snow Leopard. It seems to me that there is, at best, no value in marketing based on the security posture of the OS (though security features are, admittedly, different), however there certainly is value in improving the security posture to avoid the negative market perception of vulnerabilities. There is also value in responding openly and quickly to security issues to stem the rep bleeding any problem would cause.
Knowing Apple, though, they'll find the other way; the way of making security posture a winnable marketing game and winning that game.
Fisher's article states that the real question "is whether Snow Leopard will be more secure than the current version of OS X" - whereas for the moment the real question is whether Snow Leopard will continue to be secure enough.
So Dennis Fisher argues that "very few users will switch to a Mac or from a Mac because of security"…"But if Snow Leopard turns out to be a major security upgrade over the current versions, that's an important step for Apple and its customers." I'm not sure I agree there. As far as I can see, the fundamental place where Fisher and I start to disagree is on what value security marketing has.
I infer from the article that Fisher takes security marketing to be a zero-sum game between the competitors: every time Apple wins, Microsoft necessarily loses: Microsoft have "out-secured" Apple and it's up to Apple to "out-secure" them back. I believe that many consumers consider security as a "hygiene factor"; invisible most of the time, but unacceptable when it becomes an issue. That would make it hard to market a secure OS, but impossible to sell an insecure one. An important distinction, let me explain. People will not consider security as a factor in any product which seems secure enough, but will not touch any product which does not seem secure enough. Therefore a loss for any one company pulls its rep down with respect to the competitors, but there isn't really any such thing as a security marketing "win".
Where does that leave Apple? Well, a "major security upgrade" could go in one of two directions. Either it means moving from 0 concern over Mac security to a smaller value of 0 concern; or it could lead people to think that there were some security holes in Leopard that Apple decided not to tell us about and patched up in Snow Leopard. It seems to me that there is, at best, no value in marketing based on the security posture of the OS (though security features are, admittedly, different), however there certainly is value in improving the security posture to avoid the negative market perception of vulnerabilities. There is also value in responding openly and quickly to security issues to stem the rep bleeding any problem would cause.
Knowing Apple, though, they'll find the other way; the way of making security posture a winnable marketing game and winning that game.
Fisher's article states that the real question "is whether Snow Leopard will be more secure than the current version of OS X" - whereas for the moment the real question is whether Snow Leopard will continue to be secure enough.
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