Sunday, September 28, 2008
MacDev 2009!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Rhetoric, smoothly outlined
The first thing to note is the use of loaded language in the title - the hyperbolic phrase "impending disaster" and its syzygy with the word "myth" clearly setting the author's stall out. This is reinforced by the first paragraph:
According to the predictable opinion scribes [...]They’re wrong, here’s why.
That first sentence fragment paints the subjects of the author's post as thoughtless machines, churning out page after page of text reinforcing their unchanging opinion. Ironically that is exactly what we are about to read for the next several paragraphs. It's a convenient amalgamation of two rhetorical techniques; most obviously it is an ad hominem (to the man) argument. Attention is diverted away from the discussion of Apple's app store and onto the people with which the author disagrees. This then is the beginning of a straw man which will be constructed toward the end of the piece, sowing the seed in the reader's mind that the author's opponent does not have a relevant argument.
The final sentence, "they're wrong, here's why", is a trademark of this particular author (or maybe that's an example of confirmation bias on my part) and actually renders the rest of the article meaningless for most people. It tells us that the rest of the article is a repudiation (for why it isn't a refutation, read on, but the point of this sentence is some verbal sleight of hand to make you believe that a refutation is to follow) of the position the author has defined for the "predictable opinion scribes", which is either going to make you believe that what's coming up will be an excellent riposte or a boring diatribe, depending on the opinion you've already formed about this author. All that the remaining part of the article needs to do is to fill up past the end of the page so that you believe the riposte/diatribe really exists, and it performs this task with aplomb.
What happens from here is actually rather subtle. The author outlines the position he intends to oppose, followed by "here’s[sic] the facts they’re missing". But the next few sections, from "Developers, Developers, Developers" to "Why Platforms Win" contain an opinionated retrospective on the computing industry, using links to the author's own articles as references. Opinionated? Well, count the number of times the phrase "third rate, old technology" appears. It's actually only four, but it moves from what "IBM, Microsoft, and the PC cloners [Oxford comma sic]" were doing to "the Microsoft strategy". There's enough filler (26 paragraphs and 10 linked articles in the same style by the same author) that it could be easy to forget that segue occurred. A fact which doesn't escape the author:
If you made it this far, you may have forgotten that the first argument against Apple vetoing apps
Too right we might have forgotten. What we haven't forgotten is that we were told "here's why" the app store naysayers were wrong, but have actually been told why Lotus 1-2-3 outsold Visicalc. The author's argument follows the pattern "B follows A. C. Therefore A." Loosely the argument could be described as a "red herring fallacy", although a word I prefer is that the intervening text underwent a process known as "contextomy".
Anyway, before we got here, our author let his façade slip a little:
Now let’s hammer away at the sappy pleading on behalf of developers who want Apple to cater to their whims due to the attractive populist concept of fairness in doing so.
Ooops! Now, do we think that the author is for or against people who disagree with Apple? Anyway, enough backtracking. Why don't we move forward from the end of my previous <q>?
[...] is that its decisions are unpredictable and arbitrary.
Now read the rest of that section. There's a good amount of text to describe why these decisions aren't arbitrary. Whatever happened to unpredictable? Oh, and for bonus points, look for where the final paragraph contradicts the earlier thrust of the section and reinforces the notion that arbitrary rejections have occurred.
The rest of the article carries on in the same vein, and having seen the way in which I automatically parse the earlier part you can probably guess how my cynical mind interprets the rest of the text. Oh, and speaking of cynicism, if you're still wondering why this is a repudiation and not a refutation, then my evil little mind-play trick worked! You've read at least part of every paragraph in the hope to get information I promised at the beginning; if only I'd put some adverts in the post somewhere. So to refute means to prove to be false, whereas to repudiate means to reject. The article we've just looked at is an internally inconsistent expression of the author's opinion, no proof having occurred. It's also an example of the informal fallacy of suppressed correlative. Apple's practices can't be bad, because Microsoft's practices are bad and Apple's are better than Microsoft's.
Well, that was fun! The next time you're talking to your boss (or better, your marketing people), listen out for those rhetorical devices and remember to stay critical :-).
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
AppleScript, for once
As an example, a folder action script might let me combine the Finder with any other application, such as, choosing completely at random, Sophos Anti-Virus:
set theScript to "/usr/bin/sweep -nc"
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
set thePath to POSIX path of item i of these_items
set theScript to theScript & space & thePath
end repeat
set theScript to theScript & space & "--quarantine:mode=000"
do shell script theScript
end adding folder items to
that script then scans any file which appears in a particular folder and locks it if it contains a virus (up to a point). But that's not really the point, the point is that I haven't actually had to use any of the target apps in order to get this combined functionality. It's like I was able to summon the Megazord without having to actually talk to the individual Power Rangers. Erm, or something. And that, really, is how a computer should work; I didn't buy OmniFocus so that I could look at its icon, or a splash screen, I bought it because it can manage my lists of things to do. And I got iCal in order to manage events in time. If I have things to do at specific times, then I ought to be able to combine the two, and the computer can do the work involved. After all, that is why I bought the computer.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Overdoing the risk management
Now the notebook itself is probably worth about $20, but on the face of it a used notebook is worth less than a pristine notebook, with a full notebook having no value. Presumably the value of the reward should be related to the value of the notes contained within it, and therefore can't be ascertained until I've filled the notebook up. But then if I were to lose it before filling in the pages, I would not have entered an interim value; and if I had then whenever I made new notes I would need to update the worth of the book.
And who should be footing the bill, anyway? Are my musings of any financial benefit to me, or if my employers get more worth from them should they be contributing to the reward fund? Could I possibly make the same notes again were I to lose this book? Could I pay someone with a lower salary than mine to have thoughts with a similar monetary value? Would someone else who came across my notebook be able to extract the same worth from the contents than me? If so, should I write in an encrypted fashion? How much more would that cost me? Should the reward factor in the costs of decrypting the contents, possibly reverse-engineering the method if I've forgotten it?
Do ideas depreciate? Clearly patentable ideas do, will my ideas be patentable? Will I be able to benefit from the patents? If someone finds the notebook and returns it, are the ideas still patentable? What about non-patentable thoughts, do they all depreciate at a constant rate? Should the reward value be a function of time?
Clearly the only people who can answer all of these questions upfront, and therefore the people who can use this reward feature with confidence, are the people whose ideas can be modelled with a waterfall development process. Take Terry Pratchett; he might know that the content of one notebook equates to roughly 50% of a novel, and that each novel is worth £200k, and therefore the value to him of the notebook is less than £100k. A thought process which eventually results in a cash value for a notebook. For those of us whose ideas are somewhat more iterative (read: chaotic), this seems like a complete misfeature.
Monday, September 08, 2008 Your identity, everywhere.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Apple 2, iamleeg 0
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The twitter sitter hit a bitter critter

Posting tweets is amazingly simple - just take the tweet and stuff it into the body of a POST NSURLRequest. The Twitter API even handily returns the posted tweet, so the same code which parses the friends timeline can also insert the new tweet.
So, where to go next? Well, I'm getting bored of typing my password in all the time so Keychain would be nice, @reply buttons and perhaps searching. I'm going to need cache management soon, too.
Mac user Gmail account hack
I found today in Macintouch reader reports the news that a Mac user found his Gmail account had been taken over. He writes:
I woke up this morning and looked at my gmail and thought, gee that's weird, it won't accept my password. I figured it was a glitch and tried it on my iphone, same thing.
Then I asked for a password reset. When I got back into the account, found a bunch of sent emails from a Nigerian scammer. I also looked at the ip history in gmail and noticed the weird IP, which of course came from Nigeria.
This relates well to a point I've made repeatedly in podcasts and papers; namely that having information worth stealing is not a Windows-only situation. As more data is stored "in the cloud" then the security of the cloud and of the way we use it becomes as important what is going on in our own computers. Having a weak Facebook password compromised will work just as well if you're on Trusted Solaris as Windows.
In other news, yesterday's Twitter client is not really much further along, because a thunderstorm has meant I've unplugged all of my electronics (the laptop isn't plugged in to anything, obviously). I am now very grateful to MarsEdit for having offline editing capability, otherwise I'd have to try and remember all this stuff later ;-)
Monday, September 01, 2008
A better bit o' twitter than the bitter twitter Tommy Titter bought

This was actually a quick hack project to make up for the fact that I missed CocoaHeads tonight (due to a combination of an uninteresting phone call, and a decision to recover from the phone call by using the rest of my petrol tank). Really just an excuse to play with some APIs (the tweets are grabbed by the controller using NSURLConnection, then some NSXML/XPath extracts the useful information (or not, it is Twitter after all) and puts it into the model), there are many things which need to happen before this is at all a useful Twitter client; the ability to write back, nicer formatting are just the starters. Shiny Core Animation twitting ought to happen.
Still, not bad for two hours I think.
Fuzzing as a security testing tool
Google have a new browser project, called chrome, and in their introduction they explain perfectly, through the medium of image, how fuzzing works.
Of course, as anyone could tell you, if you take a thousand monkeys and a thousand typewriters and put them all in a room for long enough, you will end up with a thousand broken typewriters, ten fat monkeys and 990 monkey skeletons.